Ahmedabad Jamaat

Duat Mutlaqeen (R.A) And
Hudood Kiraam in Ahmedabad

Syedna Jalal Shamsuddin (R.A.)
25th Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Jalal Shamshuddin Bin Maula Hasan(R.A)
Date of Wafat(Death) : 16th Rabi-Ul-Akhar 975H
Duration of the Dawat : 4 Months
Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Jalal Shamsuddin (R.A) succeeded the 24th Dai Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A) on Arsh-Ud-Dawat.
He had the good fortune of doing deedar of Imam-Uz-Zaman twice in his dreams – once when Syedna Yusuf (R.A) had declared Nass on Syedna Jalal Shamsuddin (R.A), Imam-Uz-Zaman in his dream informed Syedna Jalal (R.A) that Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A) had departed from this transitory world. The second time was when Imam-uz-Zamaan informed him to confer Nass upon the two Dawoods, Syedna Dawood Bin Ajabshah (R.A), and Syedna Dawood Bin Qutubshah (R.A).
Syedna Jalal (R.A) visited Yemen during the period of Syedna Mohammed Izzuddin (R.A), the 23rd Dai. He acquired knowledge from Syedi Hasan Bin Nooh (R.A). When Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A) reached Yemen from Sidhpur after ascending the Arsh-Ud-Dawat, he gave sabak to Syedna Jalal (R.A) from Qitab-Ul-Haqaiq. At his behest Syedna Jalal (R.A) returned to India and reached Ahmedabad during the period of Sultan Mahmud-III in whose time ‘fitnat'(subterfuge) had reared its ugly head.
Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A) declared emphatically, “I have faith that by ‘Tayeed'(spiritual contact) of Imam-Uz-Zaman, my ‘Nass'(handing over of the seat of Dawat to the rightful successor- next Dai) will reach Syedna Jalal (R.A) and Syedna Jalal (R.A) will be Dai-Al-Mutlaq on Arsh-Ud-Dawat”. Syedna Jalal (R.A) recieved the nass and handed it over to Syedna Dawood bin Ajab Shah (R.A).
A pristine, marble mausoleum was dedicated to his memory and inaugurated by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(T.U.S) in the year 1401.
Syedna Dawood Bin Ajabshah Burhanuddin (R.A.)
26th Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Dawood Burhanuddin bin Maula Ajab Shah (R.A)
Date of ‘Wafat'(Death) : 27th Rabi-Al-Akhar 997H
Period of Dawat : 23 Years
Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Jalal Shamsuddin (R.A) was succeeded by Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Dawood bin Ajab Shah (R.A). Syedna Dawood (R.A) went to Yemen and was educated by Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A) himself. After returning to India, he stayed with and studied under Syedna Jalal(RA) who was Vaali at that time. Syedna Jalal eventually handed over the seat of Dawat to Syena Dawood(RA).
During Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah’s(R.A) tenure, Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A) was his true confidant and aide in all affairs of Dawat.
There were four great Hudud(Propagators of the Faith) during this auspicious period:
Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A)
Syedi Qazi Khan bin Amin Shah (Q.S)
Syedi Shaikhadam Safiyuddin (Q.S)
Syedi Aminji bin Jalal (Q.S)
Due to the ‘fitnat'(subterfuge) started by Laeen Mohammed bin Tahir, it was unsafe for Syedna(RA) to stay in Ahmedabad. Syedna(RA) migrated to Kapadvanj, where the mumineen placed at his disposal their lives, their souls, and their wealth. He also visited a number of other villages where Laeen Jafar was constantly attacking the faith of the mumineen, Khambat being one of the cities. Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) went there and propagated the Dawat of Ahl-e-Bayt (A.S). Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) showed shanaat of Zuhur in Ahmedabad and other villages where Mumineen resided. Syedna Dawood(RA) instructed mumineen to assemble in masjids and fearlessly recite Azaan aloud.
Syedna Dawood Bin Ajabshah’s era was known as the Golden era because formerly mumineen were abused – physically, verbally and called ‘Rafzi'(Muslims who do not follow tenets of Islam as laid down by Prophet Mohammed[SAW])for following their Dai. It was only in this golden era that the persecution was stopped and existence of mumineen acknowledged and respected. Also, the banners of Dawat were raised in Sindh (i.e. Pakistan). Two persons from Hanafiyah sect, gave Misaaq to Moula and had the honour of receiving Ilm of Al-e-Mohammed (S.A). The chief of the Nizariyaa sect also gave ‘Misaq'(acknowledged the righteousness of the Dai). Likewise the banners of Dawat fluttered high in Yemen also. The chosen Hudud had survived. Forts, which could not be conquered during the days of Zuhur, were eventually conquered during the tenure of Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A). The books of Duat Mutlaqeen, which were formerly confiscated, were returned. The auspiciousness of this golden era accounts for discovering, at the fort of Afeddah, Yemen, ‘ziyaarats'(final resting place) of three Duat Mutlaqeen. They are :
11th Dai Syedna Ebrahim bin Al Hasan (R.A)
12th Dai Syedna Mohammed bin Hatim (R.A)
13th Dai Syedna Ali bin Ebrahim (R.A)
Syedi Khoj bin Malak (Q.S) mentioned in one of His ‘Risa’alaa'(verses) that Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) accompanied by Mansus Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A) reached Umreth by bullock-cart. The pomp with which they entered Umreth can be gauged from the fact that twenty other bullock-carts followed Syedna’s. Cannons were fired in salutation, to honour and celebrate his advent in the village. Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) stayed at Shaikh Miyanji bin Taj’s (Q.S) house. Hindus, Muslims, and members of other communities flocked to pay their respect to Syedna. All were amazed on observing the ‘Noor'(radiance) emanating from Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A)’s countenance. The chief of the village came to pat respects to Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) and exclaimed “I saw Rasulullah (S.A) in my dream, my dream has come true, ‘O Maula’ your face closely resembles the holy face of the Rasulullah (S.A)”. The chief behaved like a humble slave before Syedna. The Munafeqin were humiliated and the Mumineen were proud to see their Dai being treated thus.
Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) fell ill and predicted his own ‘wafat'(day of death). The period of His ‘Dawat’ lasted for 23 years which is the same as that of the period of Dawat of Rasulullah (S.A). Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) repeatedly conferred Nass upon Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A). Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) adhered to the will of Syedna Jalal (R.A) in respect of the trust deposited in Him. Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) renewed His Nass in the presence of Hudud on the 22nd of Rabi-Al-Akhar. On the eve of 27th Rabi-Ul-Akhar in 997 AH, Syedna breathed his last. Syedna Taher Saifuddin (A.Q) refers to Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) in a Risaalaa Sharifa as “Many miracles emanate from the ‘Qabr'(tomb) Mubarak of Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A.)”. Mumineen inflicted with illness have been cured due to the barakaat of his ziyaarat. Syedi Khoj bin Malak (Q.S) asserts, “I did not have a son. I offered a Mannat that if Allah favours me with a son, I shall visit the Qabr Mubarak of Maulana Dawood (R.A.) and feed 1 mun (i.e. 40 Kgs.) of halwa to mumineen there. Allah favoured me with two sons.”
Syedna Dawood Bin Qutubshah Burhanuddin (R.A.)
27th Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Dawood Bin Qutub Shah Burhanuddin (R.A)
Date of ‘Wafat'(Death) : 15th Jamad-Al-Ukhra 1021H
Period of Dawat : 24 years, 1 Month and 17 Days
Syedna Dawood bin Qutub Shah (R.A.) ascended Arsh-ud-Dawat after Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Dawood bin Ajab Shah (R.A.). Aijal Gori bin Ali Johari, Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah’s (R.A) Mother was Hafezat-ul-Quran. Syedna Dawood (R.A) too committed the entire Quran-e-Majid to memory at the young age of 10. He was also educated in Arabic literature and acquired the Ilm of Al-e-Mohammed (S.A). At the age of fifteen, Syedna(RA) had the sharaf of “Mafsuhiyat”. On seeing Syedna(RA), a number of mumineen gave Bishaarat that Syedna shall be the Sultan of ‘Deen’ (Spiritual knowledge) and ‘Duniya ‘(world). Syedna Dawood (R.A) performed Hajj and Ziyarat of Rasulullah(SAW), at the age of 21.He then proceeded to Yemen in Hazrat of Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A.) and stayed there for four years. Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A) personally educated him and then sent him to India.
Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A) gave witness to the testimony that Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A) has bestowed ‘Nass'(the accession as Dai) upon Syedna Jalal Shamsuddin (R.A), on recieving the information of ‘wafat'(Death) of Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A). On hearing of the sad demise, Syedna Jalal (R.A.) proclaimed in the presence of all the Hudud, that “Syedna Dawood bin Ajab Shah Burhanuddin (R.A.) was his successor Dai Al-Mutlaq and Qaim-Maqam. “I declare this Nass by Ilhaam(‘spiritual advice’) of Imam-uz-Zamaan (S.A).” declared Syedna Jalaal(RA).
Syedna Dawood bin AjabShah (R.A.) never issued an order regarding the administration of the affairs of Dawat, without taking ‘Mashvara'(advice) of Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A). Syedna Dawood Bin AjabShah (R.A) repeatedly conferred Nass upon Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A) during Majlis in presence of all the Hudud and Mumineen. Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A) become Dai-al-Mutlaq on Arsh-Ud-Dawat.
Syedna wrote ‘Misaal Sharif'(message) to All ‘Ummal'(territorial representatives of Syedna)in India and Yemen to take ‘Meesaq'(oath of allegiance) of Mumineen. Mumineen from Hind and Yemen wrote a letter to Syedna(RA) to offer condolences on the death of Syedna Dawood Bin Ajabshah (R.A) and perform Tehniyat in Hazrat of Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A). The same letter was also written by Laeen Suleman bin Hasan. Laeen Suleman, indulged in ‘fitnat’ after remaining faithful to Syedna Dawood (R.A) for three years. Syedna Dawood bin AjabShah (R.A.) possessed Wadiyat (Amaanat) of Dawat to two Habashiya (female servants) named Rummana and Nur-us-Sabah. When Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A.) ordered them to hand over the Wadiyat (Amaanat) of Dawat, they both turned out to be dishonest and refused to abide by the order. Syedna(RA) reprimanded both of them.
Similarly there was a Munafiq called Mohammed Katib who too embezzled the Amanat of Dawat. They came to the conclusion that Suleman bin Hasan in Yemen can be misled because Laeen Suleman in their opinion was obstinate and foolish, and desired worldly pomp. Thus he would easily give up Deen in favour of the mundane gains. A false letter of Nass in favour of Laeen Suleman asking Laeen to proclaim himself Dai, was concocted, and the trio stood witness to this false claim. Ibrahim and Mohammed, the two sons of the two female slaves joined this conspiracy. Laeen Suleman sent his servant Jabir to Ibrahim and Mohammed to collect the concocted letter from the conspirators at Gujarat. Syedna came to know of this devious development, and called all Hudud and they performed Hujjat against Jabir and said Laanat on laeen Suleman. Syedna excommunicated Suleman from Dawat.
Jabir proceeded to Yemen with the false Nas letter. When Laeen Suleman openly started espousing his claim to be a Dai, a tribe called Yaam fell victim to his false claims. But rest of the faithfuls took the stand that Maula Chand Ali was a witness to the will of Syedna Dawood bin AjabShah (R.A.) and thus they would abide by his decision. Laeen Suleman intimidated Maula Chand Ali and tried to pressurize him into submission. But Maula Chand Ali refused to comply. Suleman imprisoned him in Sanaa and plundered his wealth. Laeen Suleman started Fitnat in Yemen in 1000 A.H. After laying a claim to be a Dai, he claimed to be the “Hujjat of Qaim”. Finally, Hasan Pasha imprisoned Laeen Suleman at the fort of Zamarmar for three years. Laeen Suleman managed to escape from the fort and wandered in jungles and plundered the caravans of Hujjaj. He then returned to India and established contacts with Mohammed Mukrami, and they both started fitnat(subterfuge) and fasaad(loot and destruction) in Gujarat. Mumineen were unergoing through a difficult phase. The two sons of the slaves, met the ‘Hakim'(Judge) and claimed 9 lac rupees from Syedna. Houses of Mumineen were plundered, shops sealed, and they were prohibited from gathering together. Looking at the intensity of the Fitnat, Syedna went into seclusion and appointed Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) to defend Dawat from the fitnat of Munafeqin.
It was due to the streneous efforts of Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) that Dawat survived in Gujarat. Syedna Shaikh Adam (R.A) suffered torture and harassment . Similarly Syedi Aminji bin Jalal (Q.S), Amin of the Deen was persecuted. Maula Ali Mohammad bin Firoz (Q.S) started a crusade to safeguard momineen with extra ordinary patience.
Hudud collectively declared themselves Baraat from Laeen Suleman and remained faithful to Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A), the true Dai of Allah. The drunkards, the sinners and those who were notorious for their hypocrisy right from the beginning turned out to be disloyal. The wife of Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A) called laeena Zahra supported laeen Suleman. Laeen Suleman instigated all ‘Hukkaam’s’ (Minister’s of State) in his favour and tortured Mumineen. Syedna wrote two Risaala in favor of Nass and those present at the time of Nass attached their signatures as witnesses. Laeen Suleman proceeded to Lahore along with his hypocrites to instigate the Mughal King Jalaluddin Akbar. He contacted Nawab Khan Khanaa and disclosed to him secrets of Dawat, bribed and ignited a fire of animosity in Nawab’s heart. Khan Khanaa sent Ahdi Kamaal Khan to Ahmedabad to arrest Syedna(RA) and Hudud. Syedna(RA) went into seclusion.
Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) was arrested and taken to Lahore with Maula Ali Mohammad bin Firoz (Q.S) and other Fozalaa Kiraam. Hudud Fozalaa were tortured by Laeen to the extent of making them wear heavy chains right from Ahmedabad to Lahore and were severely beaten throughout the journey. Kamaal Khan and his brother-in-law Usman arrested Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A), Syedi Ali Mohammad bin Firoz (Q.S) and other Hudud. Maula Ali Mohammad (Q.S) was beaten so severely that he often fell unconscious; Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) was suspended upside down, whipped and deprived of food and water. Mumineen were also not spared. Properties of Mumineen were looted, and some had to flee from Ahmedabad. Others wept on seeing these inhuman persecution. Syedna(RA) gave Farmaan to all the Mumineen to recite Dua of Daf-el-Aafaat and perform two Rakaat Namaaz and pray for the prisoners.
On reaching Lahore, King Akbar came to know of this persecution. He got enraged and dismissed Ahdi Kamaal Khan. King Akbar entrusted this case to four Vozaraa (ministers). Debate and Hujjat ensued between Mumineen and the supporters of Laeen Suleman, where Mumineen always succeeded in ‘Hujjat'(arguments) . One of Vozaraa’s was Shia known as Hakim Ali. He reassured Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiuddin (R.A) that Mumineen were true Shias of Ali (S.A), and hoped to earn Fateyabi of Amirelmumin Ali (S.A) by supporting Mumineen. In all the letter’s that laeen Suleman had written , Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A) was addressed as Dai-Al-Mutlaq. These letters were produced before the Vozaraa’s. Laeen Suleman admitted that the letters were his. Laeen Suleman’s accusations were clearly lies. Similarly, the claim of those two sons of the Habashi women was also found to be baseless. All unanimously agreed that the Mumineen of Syedna Dawood (R.A) were right and Laeen Suleman was a liar. The supporters of Laeen Suleman tried to mislead King Akbar by saying that “Syedna Dawood (R.A) had no faith in King Akbar’s justice and campaigned that Syedna Dawood (R.A) was too proud to appear personally before the King. Akbar told Hakim Ali that “He was eager to meet Shaikh Dawood” and ordered Hakim Ali to ask his men to bring Syedna to King Akbar and assured Hakim Ali that Akber would honour Syedna. Hakim Ali persistently impressed upon Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) the importance of Syedna Dawood’s (R.A) visit with the King. Ultimately Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) confided in Hakim Ali that the whereabouts of Syedna Dawood (R.A) were unknown to him, but he promised to try his best. Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) left Lahore for Ahmedabad. King Akbar gave ‘Amaan Namaa'(Promise of protection) for Syedna Dawood (R.A). When Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) and Maulai Ali Mohammed (Q.S) reached Ahmedabad they conveyed the message to Syedna Dawood(RA) and with the spiritual guidance from Imam-uz-Zamaan(AS), Syedna(RA) decided to proceed to Lahore. On the way, miracles emanated wherever Syedna(RA) went. The barren land from where Syedna Dawood (R.A) passed turned into a garden. All the people gathered everywhere to have a ‘Deedar'(glimpse) of Syedna. The King’s, the celebrities, the Muslims all vied with each other in Hazrat of Syedna Dawood (R.A). The army came to receive Syedna Dawood (R.A) with exceptional honor. The people of Lahore were amazed at Syedna’s enlightened countenance.
Hakim Ali politely requested Syedna to kindly stay with him and Syedna(RA) accepted the invitation. On seeing this, laeen Suleman was dumbfounded. He started suffering from fever. On the third day, insects were found on his tongue, which spread gradually to cover his entire body. He perished after three days. Laeen’s companions brought laeen Suleman’s dead-body to Ahmedabad and buried him.
King Akbar used to say to His Vozaraa’s that he could observe on the face of the Syedna(RA) a particular ‘Noor'(radiance). Syedna(RA) used to go the Darbar of Akbar daily and stay there till the time of Zawaal. Being a Hafeezul Quran, Syedna(RA) used to recite 10 chapters a day of the Quran-e-Majeed daily, completing it in every three days. King Akbar never looked at any one else in the Darbaar and used to gaze transfixed at Syedna Dawood’s(R.A) radiant face. Occasionally, Akber asked for some advice on a topic concerning Darbar matters and the former was always astonished by Syedna’s wisdom and vast knowledge.
It was clear now to King Akbar that the supporters of laeen Suleman were liars and envious persecutors. King Akbar favored Syedna(RA) with a ‘Khaqaani'(scroll) written in Golden-Ink dated 1004 AH, which was dispatched to each and every village to ensure honorable and respectful treatment. Another Farmaan was written in golden-ink as was previously issued in 945 AH, by Humayun Akbar’s father and one by Jahangir, his son, in 1019 AH, which are preserved even today in the collection of Dawat.
Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A) returned to Sidhpur where he visited the Mazar of Syedi Hasan Feer shaheed (R.A) and came back to Ahmedabad on the 4th of Moharram 1007 AH. Truth prevailed and the enemies of Dawat were humiliated. At the entrance of the city of Ahmedabad, a perfume dealer on seeing Syedna(RA) fell at his feet and converted to a Mumin. He himself narrates ‘I saw in the dream that the Rasulullah (S.A) has come in a cart, people gathered around him. Rasullulah’s face in the dream exactly resembled the face of Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A). ” Such was the ‘shanaat'(glory) of Syedna(RA).
In 1008 AH Syedna(RA) laid the foundation of a grand Masjid, the minarets of which were so magnificent that the rulers of the surrounding territories were attracted to have a glimpse of it. According to historians these minarets still stand near Ahmedabad railway station which belong to the Masjid of Syedna Dawood (R.A). Though it is not inhabited by Mumineen now. In those days, these areas were better known as Rasulpur, Rajpur, and Sarangpur.
After returning from Lahore Syedna(RA) stayed in Ahmedabad for 15 years. During this period Nawab Shaadmaan Khan tortured Syedna(RA) and even imprisoned him. Syedna(RA) left Ahmedabad for the villages of Mumineen, till King Jahangir again invited Syedna to settle in Ahmedabad.
In 1021 AH, illness and old age overcame Syedna(RA) and he called all the Hudud and performed Nass in their presence on his Successor, 28th Dai-Ul-Mutlaq, Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A). Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah’s(R.A) ‘wafat'(death) took place on Sunday night, the 15th of Jamad-al-Akhar 1021 AH.
Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A.)
28th Dai-al-Mutlaq Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin Bin Miya Taiyeb Shah (R.A)
Date of ‘Wafat'(Death) : 7th Rajab-ul-Asab 1030H
Period of Dawat : 9 Years and 22 Days
28th Dai-Al-Mutlaq Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) became Dai after Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A). Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) rendered invaluable khidmat to the Duat Mutlaqeen preceding him, and suffered many hardships including physical torture at the hands of the enemies of Dawat.
Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) came in ‘hazrat'(presence) Aaliya of Syedna Jalal bin Hasan (R.A) for Misaaq. He was very anxious to go to Yemen in Hazrat of Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A). With Hudud Fozalaa he went to Mecca Mukarrama to perform Hajj and then proceeded to Yemen. He stayed at Haraz in the khidmat of Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A) till the wafat of Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A). Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) returned to India and Syedna Dawood bin AjabShah (R.A) bestowed upon him the Rutbah of ‘Hadiyat’.
Whenever the authorities created any difficulty, Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) was called upon to counter it. He displayed patience and perseverance while facing trials and difficulties. Syedna Dawood Bin
QutubShah (R.A) appointed Him as ‘Vazeer’ during the ‘fitnat'(subterfuge) of laeen Suleman. Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) shielded Syedna Dawood Bin Qutubshah (R.A) with his patience, tolerance and way with words against the enemy.
Shah Murad, the prince of Akbar was appointed the governor of Ahmedabad. The enemies made false allegations, bribed the governor and invited Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) and his learned Hudud to the governer’s residence and imprisoned them at the time of Magrib Namaz. Hudud started reciting Quran with ‘lahen'(loudly and in a rhthym). Syedna explained the meaning of ‘Surah-Un-Nooh’ and the other Aayaat.
The Mughal Chuga Beg and the guards were enslaved by this glory and started crying, but Shah Murad ordered to keep all the Hudud in prison. Meanwhile, Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A) wrote in his own handwriting a Dua Mubarak which Rasullullah (S.A) had recited during a critical time. Syedi Khoj Bin Malak (Q.S) reports that all the prisoners, including himself, continued to recite these ‘Dua’ after every Fajar and Isha Namaz. 15 prisoners were released by the tyrant, but Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A), Maulai Ali Mohammed and Syedi Khoj bin Malak remained imprisoned. Mumineen of Jalalpur (todays Jamalpur) used to provide jaman and water to the imprisoned Hudud and wash their clothes to enable them to pray Namaz. They did khidmat day and night. Syedna preached to all these who came to the prison, to vanquish them in such a way that they started weeping. He used to proclaim “We do not have the treasures of the world which is transitory in any case. We possess the treasures of knowledge and wisdom that are everlasting”. Many miracles like this were reported in the prison. Amir-ul-Mumineen Maulana Ali (S.A) threatened the minister in a dream as a result of which the prisoners had to be released.
Laeen Suleman sent one called Mukrami laeen to Sidhpur. The Mumineen of Sidhpur came to Ahmedabad in Hazrat of Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) with folded hands, and did araz in hazrat Aaliya that “this Mukrami has made all senseless and false talks. We humbly request Syedna to kindly give us ‘hidaayat'(right teachings)”. Syedna(RA) came to Sarangpur Masjid and called Mamji bin Ali as he was from Sidhpur , challenged Mukrami that if you are right you may come to Masjid. He never dared to appear. Syedna Shaikh Adam (R.A) waited from Fajar Namaz till they forcefully brought Mukrami before Syedna. Syedna ShaikhAdam (R.A) started Bayaan and from the Risaalaa of Syedna Dawood (R.A) Nass was established. Mukrami could not defend his false allegations and when Syedna went to perform Zohar and Asar Namaz, Mukrami fled. Syedna called for Mukrami repeatedly till Magrib, but he did not appear. By this time, Mumineen of Sidhpur were convinced that what Mukrami had said was all false, they asked for pardon in Hazrat Aaliya for the sin committed by even listening to Mukrami false allegations.
Inspite of physical exertion and suffering, during the fitnat of laeen Suleman, Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) had shown tremendous courage and Jaan Fishani. Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) had appointed Syedna Zakiyuddin (R.A)- the son of Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A)- as Mazoon and did ‘Nass’ on him and informed Hudud in India and Yemen and also Syedna Ali bin Idris (R.A), 30th Dai-Al-Mutlaq.
At the time of wafat, Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) renewed Nass on Syedna AbdulTaiyeb Zakiyuddin (R.A) on 7th Rajab-Ul-Asab 1030 AH.
Syedna Abdul Taiyeb Zakiuddin (R.A.)
29th Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Abdul Taiyeb Zakiyuddin bin Syedna Dawood bin Qutub Shah (R.A)
Date of ‘Wafat'(Death) : 2nd Rabi-ul-Awwal 1041H
Period of Dawat : 10 Years and 8 Months
Syedna AbdulTaiyeb Zakiyuddin (R.A) succeeded Syedna ShaikhAdam Safiyuddin (R.A) as Dai-al-Mutlaq. Syedna Dawood bin Qutub Shah (R.A) and Rani AaiSaheba were his noble parents. During the fitnat of laeen Suleman, when Syedna Dawood (R.A) went into seclusion, Syedna AbdulTaiyeb Zakiyuddin (R.A) accompanied Syedna Dawood (R.A). He defended Syedna Dawood (R.A) during critical times. He was very soft spoken and maintained good relations with government officers. When Syedna Dawood (R.A) went to Lahore, Syedna AbdulTaiyeb Zakiyuddin (R.A) remained in Ahmedabad and gave full co-operation to Syedi Aminji bin Jalal (Q.S.). Syedna Dawood (R.A) had imparted such noble values to Syedna AbdulTaiyeb Zakiyuddin (R.A) , that inspite of being a Dai’s son, he gladly became a Mansus to Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A).
Syedna ShaikhAdam Safiyuddin (R.A) used to talk about Syedna Zakiyuddin (R.A) amongst Mumineen. When the time of wafat of Syedna Safiyuddin (R.A) came, the responsibility of Dawat was bestowed on Syedna AbdulTaiyeb Zakiyuddin (R.A). Syedna Zakiyuddin (R.A)performed Janaza Namaz of Syedna ShaikhAdam Safiyuddin (R.A).
The first man who came for Taaziyat was Ali bin Ibrahim son of Syedna Shaikh Adam (R.A) who led ‘Janaza Namaz'(Obligatory Namaz prayed for a departed person before the burial rites are fulfilled) behind Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiuddin (R.A). Some of the ‘Munafeqin'(enemies) instigated him and he made a claim to the position of Dai. He remained steadfast with this claim but later came to Syedna Zakiyuddin(RA) to seek pardon. Huzurala Syedna Abdul Taiyeb Zakiyuddin (R.A) benevolently accepted his apologies, and asked those persons who had prayed Namaz led by him to repeat that Namaz. Everybody accepted the decision.
But again after sometime he succumbed to the instigation of a few people and challenged the Dai(RA). Some of the accomplices accompanied Him to the court of Sultan Jahangir, the son of King Akbar for the settlement of their claim.
They tried to win over the ministers. They impressed upon Sunni ministers that they actually upheld their views. To the Shia ministers they confided that they followed their beliefs. The ministers agreed that the matter had to be looked into deeply. Jahangir issued a Farman to Saif Khan, the Governor of Gujarat, to respectfully send Syedna Abdul Taiyeb Zakiyuddin (R.A), to Lahore. Syedna Zakiyuddin (R.A) reached the court of the Jahangir at Lahore where he was honorably received, just as his late father, Syedna Dawood (R.A) was. The king was overawed and decided the case in his favor, just like his father King Akbar had decided the case in favor of Syedna Dawood (R.A). Jahangir renewed the Royal Farmaan issued by Akbar. Syedna(RA) returned back to Ahmedabad, and the false claimant was humiliated.
Syedna Abdul Taiyeb Zakiyuddin then declared nass upon Dai-Al-Mutlaq, Syedna Ali Shamshuddin Bin Syedi Hasan (R.A) who lived in Yemen, and passed away on the 2nd of Rabi-ul-Awwal 1041 AH.
Syedna Qasimkhan Zainuddin (R.A.)
31st Dai-Al-Mutlaq Syedna Qasim Khan Zainuddin Bin Maula Feer (R.A)
Date of ‘Wafat'(Death) : 9th Shawwal-ul-Mukarram 1054H
Period of Dawat : 12 Years and 6 Months
30th Dai-Al-Mutlaq Syedna Ali Shamshuddin (R.A), performed Nass on 31st Dai-Al-Mutlaq Syedna QasimKhan Zainuddin (R.A). Syedi Hasan Feer (Q.S) had dedicated his life in serving dawat and strengthening the faith of the mumineen. Allah, the Almighty requited that devotion by bestowing the esteemed honor to one of his lineage to become a Dai. Syedna QasimKhan Zainuddin (R.A) is from ‘Nassal'(lineage) of Syedi Hasan Feer Shaheed (Q.S.).
Syedna Qasim Khan Zainuddin (R.A) has performed khidmat ofSyedna Dawood bin AjabShah (R.A).Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A) bestowed Rutbah of Haddiyat on Him. He was amongst the ‘Hudud Fozala'(council of wise men) during the regime of Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A). He had the good fortune of serving 5 Duat Akrameen. He strived especially hard to serve Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A)and was his trusted aide. He sent Hudud around India to spread the word of Dawat.

Syedna QutubKhan Qutbuddin (R.A) was his trusted aide and he always turned to him for advice. Syedna QasimKhan Zainuddin (R.A), when the ‘wafat’ came nearer declared nass upon Syedna QutubKhan Qutbuddin (R.A). Syedna QasimKhan Zainuddin (R.A) departed for his heavenly abode on the 9th of Shawwal 1054 AH.

Syedna Qutubkhan Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A.)
32nd Dai-Al-Mutlaq Syedna Qutubkhan Qutbuddin Shaheed Bin Syedna Dawood Qutubshah (R.A)
Date of ‘Wafat'(Death) : 27th Jamad-il-Ukhra 1056H
Period of Dawat : 2 Years
Dai-Al-Mutlaq Syedna QasimKhan Zainuddin (R.A) bestowed ‘Nass’ on Dai-Al-Mutlaq Syedna Qutubkhan Qutbuddin (R.A). He is the only Dai with the honour of ‘Shahadat'(martyrdom) amongst Duat Mutlaqeen. Just as Imam Husain(AS) was bestowed with the honour of saving Islam through martyrdom, so also Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) got the honour of martyrdom at Ahmedabad, which is also known as small Karbala(the place of martyrdom of Imam Husain(AS)).
He accompanied Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A) to Lahore as a trusted aide and confidant. Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) had bestowed on him the Rutbah of Haddiyat. Syedna Qasim Khan Zainuddin (R.A) had appointed him in Rutbah of Mazoon, and then later, bestowed Nass on Him.
Syedna Zainuddin (R.A) when performing Nass on Him gave ‘Bushra of Shahadat'(foretold of his martyrdom). Similarly His father Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A) also gave Bushra of Shahadat.
The Mumineen of Syedna QasimKhan Zainuddin’s (R.A) era were very pious, writes Syedi Hasanji Badshah (Q.S.)in his ‘Tazkerat’. When Syedna QasimKhan Zainuddin (R.A) bestowed Nass on Syedna Qutbuddin (R.A) , the jealous enemies plotted to assassinate Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A). They made false allegations in the court of Aurangzeb, that Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) is Maula of ‘Rafzi’ so he should be executed. Abdul Gavi, on their behest, took permission from Aurangzeb to arrest Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A). Syedna(RA) knew that Rasullullah (A.S) had predicted that in one thousand years, a Dai will be martyred and that he was the chosen one.
When they came to arrest him, Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) was in the house of Ajabbu Saheba giving ‘sabak'(lessons). Hudud Fozala tried to suggest that he should go into seclusion but he refused and said he was destined to be martyred and protect them all. As the enemy came in closer led by Qasim Andhla, Maulana gave ‘razaa'(permitted)all the Hudud to leave. Ajabbu Saheba enquired why Syedna had sent the Hudud away? On hearing Maulana tell his beloved daughter that the enemies had come to arrest him, Ajabbu was very much perturbed and asked him to come inside her room and that she would shut the door. He answered her by saying that martyrdom was his destiny. He bade her farewell, and asked her to go to her room. Ajabbu Saheba asked Syedna(RA) ” Bawaji Saheb when will we meet”? Maulana said “At Roz-e-Qayamat”.
Shah Beig who was a Shia forced his way into the house. He brought out books which filled 6 carts and forced Syedna(RA) to ride in the cart. Allah Subhanahu had guided Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) to take Mansus Syedna Feer Khan Shujauddin (R.A) along, just as Imam Hussain (S.A) had taken Imam Zain-Ul-Abedin (S.A) in Karbala. Aurangzeb had ordered the Ulmaa to interpret the books of Dawat, but they could not comprehend anything.
It was the beginning of a long, dark night. Shah Beig asked Abdul Gavi to keep Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) and Syedna Shujauddin (R.A) under his vigil. Mumineen and Mumenaat of Ahmedabad from 22 Mohallah’s stood in the bazaar crying.Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) said, “My beloved Sons of Dawat go to your houses and take rest. The enemies have arrested me for ‘Shahadat’”. Thereafter the enemies put a black rope in the neck of Maulana Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) and made him stand before Laeen Aurangzeb. Laeen said “O Qutbuddin, admit that you are a Rafzi”!! Maulana Qutbuddin (R.A) was old but roared with the strength of a lion. “Neither am I a Rafzi nor My forefathers. We are on ‘Aein Sunnat'(the Right path)”. Abdul Gavi ordered him to confess or be ready to be executed. Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) said “You cannot frighten me with threats of execution. I am ready to sacrifice even my life for the love of Aal-e-Mohammed (S.A)”. Laeen Abdul Gavi became angry and ordered them to be taken to prison. The enemies of Dawat on seeing that Syedna Qutbuddin (R.A) had not confessed and did not succumb to our threats, made a false ‘Mehzaraa'(writ petition) and took a forged signature and made arrangements for the execution of Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A).
Finally, on the 27th day of Jamad-al-Ukhra, the day of Shahadat arrived. Just as Imam Zain-Ul-Abedein (A.S) accompanied Imam Husain(AS), Syedna Shujauddin (R.A)also accompanied Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A). He performed Nass on Syedna FeerKhan Shujauddin (R.A) and then fearlessly and without worries, went to his martyrdom. On the order of Qatl, Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) asked to pray 2 Rakaat Namaz. After finishing Namaz, Syedna asked them on what basis they were executing him even though he prayed the ‘Kalemat-Us-Shahadat’. Laeen ordered Jallad to execute Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A). Maulana Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A) said to Jallad “Let me perform Sajdaah” . Syedna Qutbuddin (R.A) bowed down in Sajdaah and was martyred.
Syedna Feerkhan Shujauddin (R.A.)
33rd Dai-Al-Mutlaq Syedna Feerkhan Shujauddin Bin Ahmed bin Malekshah (R.A)
Date of ‘Wafat'(Death) : 9th Zilqad-il-Haram 1065H
Period of Dawat : 9 Years, 4 Months and 11 days
Syedna Feerkhan Shujauddin(R.A) ascended on Arsh-ud-Dawat after the Shahadat of Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed (R.A). He too was imprisoned along with Syedna Qutbuddin (R.A). Syedna Feerkhan (R.A) displayed exceptional courage at the time of this cruel calamity. When he got married at the age of 17 , ‘sabaq'(Islamic education) was given at night in secret because of the enemies, by Syedna Safiyuddin(RA). On the night of Syedna Feerkhan’s (R.A) wedding, he gathered his books and went to the residence of the Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiuddin (R.A) to attend the Sabaq. The newly stitched clothes, which Syedna Feerkhan (R.A) had put on, were fragrant. Surprised Syedna Shaikh Adam Safiyuddin (R.A) inquired as to where the sweet smell came from? His wife replied that it was the fragrance from Syedna Feerkhan’s (R.A) wedding clothes. Syedna(RA) addressed Talabat-Ul-Ilm, Syedna Feerkhan (R.A), that how is it that he had come to attend Sabaq on the night of his wedding?
Syedna Feerkhan (R.A) replied, ” My wife is not going anywhere, I am not going to miss her, but if I
miss the Sabak, I shall miss the benefits of ‘Ilm'(knowledge) – the loss would be irretrievable.”At that time, Syedna Shaikh Adam (R.A) addressed the Talabat-Ul-Ilm that “Miyaa Feerkhan (R.A) belongs to the Ahle-Irfan. He shall grace Shan-e-Azeem”.
Syedi Hasanji Badshah (Q.S.), the Author of ‘Kitaab-Ut-Tazkerat’ wrote that Shaikh Mohammed and Syedi Najam Khan were in prison with Syedna Qutbuddin (R.A). They were witness to the declaration of Nass by Syedna Qutbuddin (R.A) in favour of Syedna Shujauddin (R.A). Syedna Feerkhan (R.A) was detained in the prison after the demise of Syedna Qutbuddin(RA). King Shahjahan dismissed his son Laeen Aurangzeb and recalled Him to Jahanabad. Laeen Aurangzeb decided to take a chained and imprisoned Syedna Feerkhan (R.A) with him. Syedna(RA) told the Mumineen to perform Dua and Tadarro. Syedna FeerKhan (R.A) declared that Syedna Ismail Badruddin (R.A) who stayed in Jamnagar, would be the succeeding Dai-Al-Mutlaq. Laeen Aurangzeb reached Jahanabad along with Syedna Feerkhan Shujauddin (R.A). There He came to know that his father Sultan Shahjahan was in Lahore, so he went to Lahore and took Syedna Feerkhan (R.A) with Him.
Syedna Feerkhan Shujauddin (R.A) who was imprisoned, was forced to wander from one place to another. Then one day a miracle occurred. Syedna(RA) was detained in a Raaoti (tent). Suddenly fire broke-out consuming every thing including the horses. But the ‘Raaoti’ (tent) did not catch fire in the midst of flames in which Syedna Feerkhan (R.A) was present. The Sultan came and inquired, “ Whose Raaoti (tent) is this? And why did it not catch fire “ Every one said, “We saw the flames getting extinguished on reaching this Raoti (tent)”. The Sultan came and asked Syedna FeerKhan (R.A), “Who are you”.and “What do you want?” He said “ I want nothing, what I want is to go back to my native place Ahmedabad.” Sultan ordered a gift and a horse to be given to Syedna Feerkhan (R.A) . Syedna Feerkhan (R.A) mounted the horse and Shaikh Mohammed and Syedi Najam Khan (Q.S.) got into the cart.
Syedi Najam Khan (Q.S.) who was seriously ill, passed away on the way back, near Lahore. Then they reached Sironj, where Syedna was warmly received by mumineen . Then Syedna proceeded to Rampura where he stayed in a Masjid situated in the Mumineen locality.
Syedna Shujauddin (R.A) visited villages inhabited by the Mumineen on the return journey till he reached Ahmedabad in the month of Ramazan in 1058 AH. In Ahmedabad he strived hard to bring Dawat to greater heights. The Munafeqin group did not like this development. All of them complained to Gairat Khan that,the followers of Syedna Qutbuddin (R.A) had collected rupees three lacs to ensure Syedna Qutbuddin’s (R.A) release. The amount was still with their leader Syedna Feerkhan (R.A). GairatKhan dispatched fifty soldiers to arrest Syedna FeerKhan. Laeen Gairat Khan ordered Syedna to be imprisoned and enchained, and forwarded this case onward to the Sultan for decision. Six month passed but Syedna remained imprisoned. There was no communication from the royal Darbar. Then Syedna called one Ahmed bin Fateh Mohammed and asked him to go to the Sultan and get the release order signed. He specifically asked him to stay there and not to return unless he wasgiven razaa by Syedna . He went to Jahanabad but when considerable time passed with no result, he returned without waiting for Syedna’s permission. Syedna was angry at his irresponsibility , disobedience and asked him to go away. That man went back to his home, and passed the night restlessly. The next day he went to the door of the prison but Syedna refused to see him. Ultimately he stopped coming.
There was another man who had embezzled the wealth of Dawat. He contacted Ahmed, and won him over to his side. Now both of them started instigating the nobles of the court. Inspite of their efforts to the contrary, after imprisonment of 18 months, Syedna was released from prison and went to the house of Syedi Shams Khan (Q.S.). Yusufji and ChandMiya joined Laeen Ahmed. Syedna had entrusted the books to a man called Nooh. He too surrendered all those books at the instigation of Ahmed. All of them wrote a letter to Syedna Ismail Baddruddin (R.A) inviting them to be their accomplice.
Syedna Ismail Badruddin (R.A) wrote from Jamnagar “You are foolish people, who would dare to disobey Dai-Al-Mutlaq’s Farman. Allah will hang all ye who disobey Farman of Dai-Al-Mutlaq, upside down in Hell through the nostrils”.
The Munafeqin were bewildered to receive this answer, and Syedna(RA) was proud of Syedna Ismail Badruddin(RA) when He heard this news.
It was Friday, people had gathered in the Masjid including Syedi Hasanji (Q.S.)(who rendered ‘khidmat’ (service), especially the procurement of water at night for ‘Vazu'(ablution) for Syedna in prison). Syedna(RA) declared ‘nass’ – that the successor as Dai-Al-Mutlaq ‘my ‘Qaim Maqam’’ is Syedna Ismailji bin Raj (R.A). Laeen Yusuf now started torturing Mumineen. He fell down on His face in the toilet. On the third day he died. Laeen Chand Miyan too followed Laeen Yusuf’s footsteps, and started Fitnat. But within no time, insects filled his mouth, his tongue was swollen till he too perished.
Laeen Ahmed surpassed these two in committing atrocities on the Mumineen. Syedna was performing Namaz in Rasulpura Masjid built by Syedna Qutbuddin (R.A). There Laeen Ahmed had started Namaz to be prayed parallel on the right side of Syedna at the same time, lead by him. Heavy debt had to be incurred during the period of Syedna Feerkhan (R.A), which was repaid by Syedna Ismail Badruddin (R.A).
Syedna decided to travel to Hasanfeer Saheb. Syedna fell ill there and passed away on the 9th of Zilqaad 1065 AH.Syedna was laid to rest in the Qubbah Mubaraka of Syedna Qutbuddin (R.A). After Wafat of Syedna Feerkhan Shujauddin (R.A), Syedna Ismail Badruddin (R.A) succeeded as Dai-Al-Multaq. The centre of the dawat shifted from Ahmedabad to Jamnagar after the Wafat of Syedna Shujauddin (R.A), initiating the chain of Duat-Badriyan.
Syedna Abdulhusain Husamuddin (R.A.)
48th Dai-al-Mutlaq Syedna Abdul Husain Husamuddin bin Syedna Tayeb Zainuddin(RA)
Date of ‘Wafat'(Death) : 27th Zilhaj 1308 H
Period of Dawat : 6 years and 5 months
48th Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna AbdulHusain Husahmuddin(R.A.) ascended the arsh of Dawat after Syedna AbdulQader Najmuddin(RA). He was educated and brought up by Syedna Taiyeb Zainuddin(RA) and he was given higher education by Syedi Abde Ali Imamuddin(QS). When Syedna Abdul Qader Najmuddin(RA) did nass on Syedna Husamuddin(RA) in Ujjain, Syedna(RA) was in Jhalawad at the time. Syedna Najmuddin(RA) told his Hudud to convey nass to Syedna Husamuddin(RA) and the message that just as Syedna(RA) had kept the mumineen happy and satisfied -to the extent that when they asked for water, they were served milk – he should also strive for their well-being. Syedna(RA) on becoming Dai, reached Surat after visiting Ujjain.
Syedna(RA) used to travel extensively along with Syedna Abdullah Badruddin(RA) who acquired immense knowledge from him. Syedna(RA) along with Syedna Burhanuddin(RA) worked very hard to repay the heavy debts that Dawat was under.
He performed vaaz in Masjid-E-Aazam in a voice so loud and clear, that it could be heard in the Qubba mubarak even without microphones. Syedna(RA) could foresee the sublime position that Syedna Taher Saifuddin(RA) would achieve later on in life, even when he was at a very young age. In 1308H, Syedna decided to travel to Mumbai. On departure, he said “I’m leaving my Mansus and Jaan-e-Sheen Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(RA) behind me”.
In this way Syedna(RA) declared nass on the 49th Dai Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(RA). Syedna travelled to places like Balsar, Pardi and reached Bharuch via Navsari, where he took ill. From Baroda, Syedna (RA) reached Ahmedabad, where he became more ill. After Fajr namaaz, Syedna(RA) performed Misaq Majlis and then bestowed Nass on Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(RA) in presence of hudud. He passed away on 27th Zilhaj, 1308H. Namaaz of Janaza was performed in the Qutbi Masjid at Tajpur. Syedna Husamuddin(RA) was laid to rest beside Maulana Qasim Khan Zainuddin(RA).